Wednesday, April 3, 2013

C4K Summary for March

My first assigned student for March’s C4K assignment was Garrett of Mrs. Goerend’s 5th grade class. Although his blog posts are short, he loves to add in tons of details! The post I responded to was an exceptionally detailed post about the book Encyclopedia Brown: Super Sleuth, by Donald Sobol. First Garrett described what the book was about; who Encyclopedia Brown was; and what he liked about the book. Garrett used great details and liked to include his reaction to different things that happened in the book. In my comment, I discussed and described a book series I read, the “Cam Jansen Mysteries”, which are similar to his book. I told him about my favorite book in 5th grade, The House of the Scorpion. I commented on his great use of detail and how he should keep up reading. They are so many great stories and books out there! Although he did not reply, Hannah (in the same class), replied and said she had read the same series I had! I’m so glad some kids still enjoy reading. I have met many who don’t!

My second assigned student was William of Dr. Theodocian’s class blog. He is in 8th grade. His posts were thoughtful. He enjoys using technology in the classroom and believes he is becoming a better student because they use technology. He recently attended a school event called Life 101. This event taught the 8th grade students about bills, paychecks, jobs, putting aside money (because kids are expensive), and more adult responsibilities. I commented on this particular post because an event like this is needed in all middle schools and high schools. I expressed to William how important that event was and how true some of the things they taught were. I hoped he found it fun and interesting. I asked if he found other aspects of the event interesting, besides what he wrote.

My third assigned student was Max of Point England School. He is a year 8 student and 12 years old. His blog is filled with stories and creative writing. He uses great detail and is not afraid to be lengthy and creative in his post. The post I commented on was about a story about a dog who rescued someone at the beach. His story was not a simple story. It was about how the beach looked; how they life guards were asleep; how he reacted to the situation; and how Doggie Dog rescued John from drowning. For a 12 year old student, I had not expected such a great, detailed story. I told Max to keep up the great work! His stories were great.

Andrea J
My fourth assigned student was Andrea J in Mr. Boylen’s Language Arts class. She is in 8th grade and 13 years old. Her blog is filled with posts about books she is reading and posts with answers to questions. In her post, “What Do You Think You as a Student Gain from Blogging with Students and Others Outside of the School? Is it Worth the Time? Why or Why Not?”, she states how she thinks it is worth her time and she is glad she is experiencing something she might not experience again. After reading through her comments to other’s comments, I figured out her opinion had changed slightly. She loved blogging and she hoped to keep blogging as she got older. I commented on her change in her belief of blogging and stated how this was my first year blogging as well. I hope she will keep up blogging because it will open many doors for her.
I love Blogging

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