Richard Miller's video was almost foreign to me. I could understand the potential of writing with multimedia. I can see the importance and it's place in our upcoming future. However, I felt like I have been living under a rock for the past few years. My experience with technology, outside of Facebook, email, web searches using Google, and Microsoft Word/Excel, has been minimal. I did not realize how minimal until after I began this class and watched this video.
Writing with Multimedia is our future. As future teachers, we should know how to use technology to our best ability and we should learn how to write with multimedia. We need to know this to prepare and teach our students. Students can prepare papers with videos and never have to worry about the library's hours of operation! Videos can increase the spread of an idea because it can convey a message better than written text. I believe our students will be more successful learning how to write with multimedia because they can use the ways and skills they used to learn this and adapt it to other future technology.
Am I prepared to write with multimedia? Yes and no. Yes, because I understand the importance of learning to write with multimedia and the importance of learning as much as possible about using technology. No, because I am nervous and feel slightly intimidated by such new learning and teaching options.
Will my students be able to do this?. Without a doubt, my students will be able to write with multimedia. They will understand the importance of multimedia and how to use it to convey their understanding of school subjects. I think my students will be well-rounded, be able to think critically, and be able to use technology to learn on their own. They will because I want the dream of writing with multimedia to become a norm- something students will do daily.
Carly Pugh
Carly's answer to the "design-an-assignment" blog post uses Youtube videos to create a playlist that expresses her philosophies as a teacher. I think this idea is as close to Mr. Miller's dream of writing with multimedia as currently possible. Instead of writing a paper on her philosophies about teaching, she conveys them through an organized collection of videos that adequately match her philosophies and ideas. I have never thought of using Youtube like this. I personally use Youtube to answer questions, learn new things, and to research topics. I definitely do not feel intimidated by the playlist idea. I love it! I plan to create my own playlist of videos that convey my beliefs, philosophies, and ideas. It will allow me to have an easy way to show other teachers, employees, and possibly students my ideas and what I believe.
The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
These videos were humorous. They put a funny twist on realistic viewpoints in EDM310. Although, not everyone thinks like Chipper, many think similar to her. To be successful in EDM310, you cannot procrastinate and you must do your work on time before the deadline. The EDM310 for Dummies video expressed how most of us felt the first two-three weeks of this class. There were days when I was feed-up, angry, and stressed out because of this class. I no longer feel this way because I have learned how to learn. I taught myself how to use new websites, devices, and more through tutorials, websites, and other students. If this book was real, life for new EDM310 students would be less difficult.
I would like to create a video around the theme- increasing the Arts into STEM subjects. Although this is not a "help with EDM310" video idea, it is a video I would enjoy participating in and producing. After being assigned to Paige Vitulli's blog, I realized increasing the Arts in the school system was not a far-fetched idea. I have always wondered how I could increase right-brain based projects in my future math class. I felt this was odd of me. I no longer feel that way. I would like my video to bring to light the importance of the Arts in the education system and possibly introduce new EDM310 students to the stem to steAm idea.
For those who would like to learn more, follow this link to a stem to steAm video on Paige Vitulli's blog.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
For many hundreds of years, people would write their ideas and stories down on "homemade" paper, scroll, and stone. Only a select few could read and create these stories and ideas. After a few hundred years, along comes the printing press. Did we decide to ignore the new, advance technology and write books by hand? NO! This new invention made it possible to mass produce books and stories. It allowed more than a select few to learn to read. Now learning to read is something we do in Kindergarten and 1st grade because of the easy access to books, to written material. Our school system has always been slow to change. It almost reminds me of a brick wall with a few cracks here and there, which allows little slivers of change to seep in. On this brick wall is a stone door. EDM310 is preparing future educators to open this door and let the advances of technology, multimedia, and a network to all people, professions, and more flood into the schools. Change is good. If we did not change, then we would still be writing on scrolls, stones, and makeshift paper. Majority of the population would not be able to read either.
Students should be allowed to perform to the top of their ability. They should have the opportunities available outside of the classroom (without instruction), inside the classroom (with instruction), too. Social media networks, blogs, youtube, interactive papers, and more should not be looked down upon. These will be the portal to our future student's success.
How can our students be successful with these portals? As teachers, we need to teach our students how to use these opportunities, how to use the internet safely, how to find reliable sites, and so on. If we teach our teachers, then we teach our future.
Scavenger Hunt on WEB 2.0
Comic Strip Using MakeBeliefsComix
PhotoPeach is a free site that allows you to upload pictures, make a powerpoint, and add sound to it. It makes powerpoints interactive through built in polls and quizzes. This site is also great for educators! A Premium Class Account can manage a large number of student accounts with adjustable privacy and allows sharing. This is great for class projects. Students can use it to make their powerpoint projects and teachers can use it to make powerpoints more interesting and engaging.
"... feed-up, angry, and stressed out..." I think you meant fed-up, not feed-up.
ReplyDelete"I would like to create a video around the theme- increasing the Arts into STEM subjects." Project 16 perhaps?
"Our school system has always been slow to change. It almost reminds me of a brick wall with a few cracks here and there, which allows little slivers of change to seep in. On this brick wall is a stone door. " Using art to describe or educational system. Could fit into Project 16!
Thorough. Thoughtful. Interesting.
Hey Jessica, Wow your blog is really well written i enjoyed it throughout your whole post. "The EDM310 for Dummies video expressed how most of us felt the first two-three weeks of this class. There were days when I was feed-up, angry, and stressed out because of this class." I know exactly what you mean I have also learned to teach myself and it no longer stress out like I used to. "As future teachers, we should know how to use technology to our best ability and we should learn how to write with multimedia." As much as I hate to admit it this is a true statement with the way our society has changed technology is now a huge part of education.